Diploma in Banking and Finance

There will be a growing demand for qualified manpower for the banking and finance sector in the coming years on account of expansion of volume of business and large scale retirement of personnel. Banking and finance industry will require professionally qualified manpower endowed with banking and finance knowledge and skills together with technology-familiarity, customer orientation and hands-on application skills who can be assigned to various desks / jobs with minimal training intervention at the bank level.

In view of the huge current as well as potential demand for the professionally qualified manpower for the banking and finance sector, and to ensure a steady stream of industry-ready professionals at the entry-level, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance has designed this course as professional qualification who aspire for a career in banking and finance

The course will give knowledge inputs to the candidates and expose them to the operational processes and modern banking environment so that they can make the counters at the bank from the first day of their joining the bank.

It is expected that successful candidates of Diploma in Banking & Finance would have a competitive edge and will be absorbed by banks and financial institutions and Diploma in Banking & Finance would emerge as a preferred professional qualification with graduation for employment in banking and finance industry emerge as a preferred professional qualification with graduation for employment in banking and finance industry

Diploma in International Banking and Finance

With the thrust on market orientation, globalisation, financial and banking sector reforms and competition in the financial sector, banking / finance professionals face the challenge of continuously innovating and improving their products and services. Currently banks provide more or less similar products and services. In the face of competition, retaining market share has become all the more important. Banks can improve upon their business only if bank employees specialize in one or more products and services and carve out a niche for themselves. Further, the need for continuous improvement in the service provided calls for excellence in the performance and specialization. The Institute has, therefore, introduced various diplomas to help the employees of banks / financial institutions to acquire the required specialization and competence.

Indian banks are expanding their geographical horizons like never before. Indian Industry is booming and banks will have to offer international finance on a major scale. This diploma helps the candidate in acquiring a conceptual grasp over the entire gamut of international and wholesale banking operations including ALM, Risk and Profitability Management. It will help the candidates to understand legal and regulatory framework w.r.t. conflict of laws and jurisdiction, sovereign risk, etc.

Diploma in Retail Banking

The objective of this Diploma Course is to provide an in-depth knowledge of different retail banking products being offered by the Banks.

Certified Accounting and Audit Professional

The objective of this Certified Course is to develop a cadre of personnel in banks to perform various functions covering Accounting & Audit. The course broadly covers

  • Accounting: Fundamentals of Accounting, Financial Statement of Banks, Preparation of Financial Statements, Accounting Standards (IND-AS)
  • Auditing: Introduction and Types of Audit, Internal Audit, Audit in Computerised Environment, Audit Aspects of Banks Fin. Statement

Certificate in International Trade Finance

Trade Finance is one of the traditional forms of bank finance in India. In view of reforms and liberalisation, this has gained a new significance. Many of the practices in trade finance have evolved over a period of time and some are guided by Ministry of Commerce and Reserve Bank of India, besides WTO and International Chamber of Commerce through UCPDC 600. With the increase in the volume of trade both domestically and internationally, there is a need for trade finance professionals from banks as well as corporates.
This comprehensive course aims :
(i) To provide candidates with competencies required to function as trade finance practitioners.
(ii) To enable candidates to possess the needed skill and knowledge to understand clients’ needs.
(iii) To enable candidates to handle trade bills of individual clients.
(iv) To enable candidates to attain high ethical and professional standards.

Certificate Course in FOREX

The objective of the course is to make the candidates familiar with the FEMA provisions that impact their day to day functioning at the branch level. This exam is being introduced pursuant to the recommendation of a committee of RBI.

Certificate Examination in AML/KYC

Banks have set up specialized departments to attend to functions like credit card business, housing loans, vehicle loans, trade finance, consumer loans, Bancassurance etc. Of late some of the banks have floated subsidiaries to take up these functions. Though banks offer some training to their staff to impart essential knowledge to handle these portfolios as per their requirements, there is a need for an educational programme considering the vast area of knowledge essential for such activities.

Compliance with ‘Know Your Customer’ guidelines and ‘Anti-Money Laundering’ standards has become necessary for healthy financial relationships both by the banks / financial institutions in India. The course aims to provide a comprehensive coverage of the various guidelines / standards / guidance notes issued by RBI / IBA / International bodies etc.

Certificate Examination in IT Security

The objective of the course is to make the candidates aware of the IT security requirements and proper implementation thereof for protecting organizational interest. This course has been developed on the basis of discussions that a committee of IBA had on IT security based on Goplakrishnan Committee Report.

Certificate Examination in Information System for Banker

The evolution of Information Technology (IT) affects the banking environment in many significant ways. It has changed the banking practices and altered the ways in which systems should be controlled and it has also increased the need for well educated banking professionals in the fields of Information Systems (IS), governance, assurance, security and control.

In the information based banking environment, banking professionals who are technically competent in IS, or IS specialists who understand security, control and banking operations, are in great demand for IS audit careers. The IS specialist and the IS auditor must continuously receive training to upgrade their knowledge, skills and abilities.
The Certified Information System Banker course has been specially designed to meet the needs of IS professionals.

Certificate Examination in Prevention of Cyber Crime and Fraud Management

The objective of the course is to make the candidates familiar with different types of cyber crimes perpetrated across the globe and acquire necessary knowledge and skill to prevent the occurrence of such crimes in organizations.

Beginner and Intermediate Course in Stock Market

The Objective of the Course is to equip the participant with necessary stock market Theoretical and Practical know-how so that students can apply the same in Researching Equity Markets for Wealth creation.

The Course gives a basic insight of Financial jargons like Equities, IPOs, Derivatives and Technical Analysis of Stock Market.

Certificate Course in Ethics in Banking

The principles of Ethics in Banking are envisioned to be applied by bankers when dealing with each other or with their customers, shareholders, employees and with other organizations for ensuring sustainability of the existing reputation and reliability of the banking profession to the public and to protect and maintain stability, consistency and confidence in the banking sector. It is therefore important that banking professionals of today and tomorrow imbibe in themselves the evolving practices of good corporate governance and ethical business practices on a continual basis.

Certificate Examination in Micro-finance

To provide a thorough knowledge of the concept of microfinance and how microfinance institutions work, including the operational aspects of an SHG / MFI. The course will be a mixture of theory and case studies.

This course would go a long way in building up the financial literacy of the persons involved in microfinance and SME sector. As the RBI and the Government have given a new thrust to financial inclusion and financial literacy, the examination would be helpful to banks also in their quest to reach excluded sections of the population.

Certificate Examination in Rural Banking Operations

The objectives of this certificate course is to strengthen the operational capacity of branch personnel and also enhance their knowledge of the nuances / specialties of rural banking.


Considering the growing importance of MSME finance in the Banking Industry, this course is intended to equip practicing banking and finance professionals to have in depth knowledge in the field of MSME finance.

Business Correspondents/Facilitators

This course is aimed at providing the knowledge inputs and skill sets to BCs. . The objective of the course is, therefore, to provide basic knowledge in banking operations and help the BCs in developing an overall understanding of: Role / functions of banks, basics of banking operations and procedures, Financial Inclusion and role of BCs, PMJDY, PMJJBY, PMSBY, APY, Central Govt. and Local Govt. Sponsored Schemes, Soft Skills and Behavioural Aspects.

Certified Banking Compliance Professional Course

The course primarily seeks to cover related areas viz. importance of compliance function in banks, compliance and organizational benefit, structure and issues in compliance function, various aspects / coverage of compliance in banks, role and functions of compliance officer.
The course broadly covers :

– Risk Management in banking and financial institutions covering inter-alia Credit Risk Management, Operations Risk Management, Market Risk and organization of risk functions in Banks

– Legal and Regulatory aspects of Risk, Governance and Compliance

Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialist

The CDCS is a Level 4 qualification that is recognised worldwide as a benchmark of competence in documentary credits. It enables documentary credit practitioners to demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with documentary credit practice.
Studying CDCS will enable you to understand:
Documentary credits – types, characteristics and uses, including standby credits
Rules and trade terms, including UCP 600, ISP98, ISBP 745, Incoterms® 2010 and URR 725
Parties to documentary credit transactions and their roles and obligations
Types and methods of payment / credit used in documentary credit transactions, including the concept of autonomy
Types of transport, commercial and financial documents used in documentary credit transactions
Risk issues, including types of risks, control and possible mitigations
Related products, including letters of indemnity, air way releases and steamship guarantees
Implications of breaching rules including money laundering and terrorist financing

Certificate for Specialist in Demand Guarantees

  • The Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees qualification will develop students’ understanding in the use of guarantees, industry rules, legislation and the challenges relating to demand guarantees and standby credits. CSDG enables students to demonstrate a high level of expertise and improves knowledge and understanding of the complex issues associated with demand guarantee best practice.
    Studying CSDG covers:
  • Demand guarantees – including tender, performance and advance payment
  • Indemnities, Suretyships and standby letters of credit and how they compare
  • Scope of industry rules including URDG 758 and ISP98
  • Parties involved in demand guarantees and their roles and obligations
  • Risk issues, including types, control and mitigations
  • Impact of external factors including governing law and force majeure

The Certificate for Specialists in Demand Guarantees is a Level 4 qualification registered with Ofqual in the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)

Certificate in Trade Finance Compliance

This qualification gives you the technical knowledge to succeed in trade finance compliance and the ability to apply expertise in a professional setting. It is a valuable benchmark for Trade Finance Operations Staff, Relationship Managers, Bank Audit and Compliance Staff, and Risk Managers.
The wide-ranging scope of this international qualification includes:

  • anti money-laundering
  • countering terrorism financing
  • sanctions and anti boycott provisions
  • weapons of mass destruction
  • bribery and corruption
  • commercial fraud

The CTFC is a Level 4 qualification registered with Ofqual in the Regulated Qualifications Framework.

Diploma for Qualified Trade Finance Specialists

Whatever your current role in the industry, it’s vital to ensure that your skills and technical understanding of the subject are current and well informed.

The QTFS Diploma has been created to demonstrate your knowledge of trade finance, and confirms your ability to use these skills in real-life situations.

Advanced Course in Stock Market

This course will develop the Knowledge of the Indian derivative market (covering Equity Derivatives and Currency Derivatives). Understand the various Trading and Hedging Strategies that can be built using futures and options. Understand the clearing, settlement and risk management as well as the operational mechanism related to the Derivative Markets.

Know the regulatory environment in which the Derivative Market operate in India.

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